End user license question

G General May 16, 2022
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Brian Kiptanui (Tanui)
5 months ago

Purchased a template but you gave a free template

Coded Themes Support Agent
2 years ago

Hello sir,

If you intend to create a product that charges users, you cannot use a standard or plus license. That is covered under an extended license. It is not possible to upgrade after you get the first customer.  Hope it makes sense.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



Marcos Ramírez
2 years ago


I have a few more questions.

In case we purchase the Standard version, then later we could upgrade to the extended version when the first client arrives?

Or should we have the Extended version already setup before the first client actually pays?


Coded Themes Support Agent
2 years ago

Hey, Thanks for reaching out.

"Use in an end product that is "sold" (one or multiple paying End Users)", intends to explain SAAS products, where you charge your user for your service/site usage. This is limited to one product.

If you are going to sell a product where your user has to pay recurring charges, you need to buy extended.

If you just sold a product once like eCommerce, Plus will work.



Marcos Ramírez
2 years ago


Hope all is well.

If I got a product that uses the theme with the Standard plus license. And we sell products/services inside the app, are we covered by this license?

What does this "Use in an end product that is "sold" (one or multiple paying End Users)" refers to in the license's type summary? How do we understand End Users in this context?



Marcos Ramírez

Additional Info

Name of Product/template: Berry - React Material Admin Dashboard Template