facing reder issue. showing airbnb error.

G General May 28, 2022
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Coded Themes Support Agent
2 years ago

Hello sir, 

Please raise tickets in issues of GitHub for the free version. https://github.com/codedthemes/berry-free-react-admin-template/issues

So that community helpa you in need.



Ankush Nageshwar
2 years ago

Hi team need immediate support on berry admin template as after cloning it and installing all dependencies it is showing below error.  

Failed to load config "airbnb" to extend from.

Referenced from: C:\Users\Speed\OneDrive\Desktop\MUI\berry-free-react-admin-template\.eslintrc

Additional Info

Order#: na

Purchase From?: https://mui.com/store/items/berry-react-material-admin-free/

Name of Product/template: Berry admin template