This is our hotfix for the theme.
//DEPRECATED IN BOOTSTRAP5.2!-------------------------------------------------------------
// Prefix for :root CSS variables
$variable-prefix: bs- !default; // Deprecated in v5.2.0 for the shorter `$prefix`
$prefix: $variable-prefix !default;
// Colors
@function to-rgb($value) {
@return red($value), green($value), blue($value);
// stylelint-disable scss/dollar-variable-pattern
@function rgba-css-var($identifier, $target) {
@if $identifier == "body" and $target == "bg" {
@return rgba(var(--#{$prefix}#{$identifier}-bg-rgb), var(--#{$prefix}#{$target}-opacity));
} @if $identifier == "body" and $target == "text" {
@return rgba(var(--#{$prefix}#{$identifier}-color-rgb), var(--#{$prefix}#{$target}-opacity));
} @else {
@return rgba(var(--#{$prefix}#{$identifier}-rgb), var(--#{$prefix}#{$target}-opacity));
@function map-loop($map, $func, $args...) {
$_map: ();
@each $key, $value in $map {
// allow to pass the $key and $value of the map as an function argument
$_args: ();
@each $arg in $args {
$_args: append($_args, if($arg == "$key", $key, if($arg == "$value", $value, $arg)));
$_map: map-merge($_map, ($key: call(get-function($func), $_args...)));
@return $_map;
Hi, i want to buy this
But i need a version without next. Just React.
What can i do?