Text cut off in TextField components

G General June 21, 2023
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Paul Trotter
1 year ago

Thanks, this solved the problem.

Coded Themes Support Agent
1 year ago

Hey, Paul Trotter

     To fix input label issues, replace the attached file in the directory `themes/overrides/InputLabel.ts`.

Thank You


Amit Gorasiya

Paul Trotter
1 year ago

I had pasted it into the ticket when I logged it, which worked, but it seems it did not save...

Coded Themes Support Agent
1 year ago

Hello, Paul

There is not any attachment in your ticket. Please attach it to the ticket response.

Thank You



Paul Trotter
1 year ago


Please see image below, where highlighted text is cut off on TextFeilds. I am using your standard theme withiut changes. Please advise fix...

Additional Info

Order#: 67421

Purchase From?: MUI Store

Name of Product/template: Mantis for react