Trying to create mockups using your Figma template file, having problems using copy and paste, components lose original alignment?

G General August 08, 2023
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Coded Themes Support Agent
11 months ago

Hello, Gary

Can you please share the relevant screenshots of the issue you are facing with the Figma file?

We have tried from our end. Copy the Global-Header Component from the Mantis Figma file to the new Figma file. But everything works smoothly. It would be good if you share the proof of the video. So we act upon it ASAP.

Thank You



Gary Smith
11 months ago

Trying to create mockups using your Figma template file, but when I try to copy a Mantis UI component such as the Dashboard global-header component into my own Figma file everything gets adjusted to top left? What am I missing? Can I not just copy paste to create quick mockup's for our developers. 

Additional Info

Order#: 70600

Purchase From?: MUI Store

Name of Product/template: Mantis 2.0